Military & Veterans

Vallen recognizes the valor and dedication of the U.S. veterans who have fought for our nation’s freedom—often at great cost to their physical and mental well-being and that of their families. We know the skills that make our military personnel fit for duty also make them highly competent team members. We actively recruit transitioning military and veterans for professional positions and responsibilities, allowing them to bring their hard-won experience and sense of purpose into the workplace.

We SALUTE our Veterans

We are proud of Vallen’s associates who bravely served our country and those who continue to serve in the Guard and Reserves. We’ve created a resource group for our veterans and allies called SALUTE—which actively provides Support, Attention, Learning, Unity, Training, and Enlistment of new veteran and disabled-veteran associates, contributing to the long-term success of Vallen.

Statements of Support

Vallen has signed statements of support proclaiming our commitment to recognize and honor our country's Service members and their families, encouraging opportunities to employ Guardsmen, Reservists, transitioning Service members, and Veterans.
Watch the video of the signing of the ESGR: Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.

Our Military Partners